

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.
25 November 2023
Dhoola on RFI

Wow!!! Dhoola on RFI – Radio France Internationale! In her column “Les têtes d’affiches de Denise Epoté”, journalist Denise EPOTE was able to sum up the Dhoola adventure in just a few minutes. Just a few minutes, of course, but Nicolas and I feel less small all the same! 📻 RFI – Radio France Internationale...

"Lift the load to the knee, we'll help you put it on the head" (African proverb)

Last weekend Alexandra and I had the opportunity to exhibit at the Business Africa forum and present Dhoola.

2️⃣ days of intensive exchanges with many other entrepreneurs from the various African diasporas. They were all just as talented as each other and, above all, had a wealth of experience and advice on entrepreneurship. Africa is bursting with talent, and it’s really time we all got together to solve the challenges facing our continent.

2️⃣ days during which we had the opportunity to present Dhoola to visitors to the forum (over 4,500 people). It was a truly fruitful exchange for us:
✔ partnership proposals for our deployment in other countries in the sub-region,
✔ new service providers wanting to use Dhoola to offer their services to diasporas,
✔ but above all countless feedbacks, all very positive, on the application.

🎯 In short, for us it’s confirmation that Dhoola really does meet a concrete need for diasporas to be able to better assist their families instead of ‘just’ sending them money!

🚀 For us, a real source of motivation for the next steps….and there’s work to be done 😉!!!!

📲 Download #dhoola and take even better care of your loved ones.

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